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Women in the Games Industry

Anna has a feature up on AustralianGamer on the ever increasing numbers of females in both game development and in the games themselves. She's snagged an interview with Brooke Luder (Graphic Designer at Sega Creative Assembly), Hannah Crosby (Artist at THQ Studio Australia), and Sheridan Meulblok (Psychologist and Presenter for Good Game) on various aspects concerning females and games. If you're interested in how these women got into the industry, what challenges they've had working in a male dominated industry, and other bits of great advice, be sure to hop on over to AustralianGamer for the full feature!

(Brooke Luder) There is a perception that the games industry is hard on females. This is both incorrect and correct. You have to remember that at the moment it is a male dominated industry. Some girls don’t quite know how to deal with an office full of guys. Just remember they are people just the same as you, and they’re really nice people too!