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Mini Programmer Challenge Finishing on Sunday

Pssst... there's a mini programmer challenge under way on Sumea, and there's no better opportunity to show off your coder kung-fu to your local peers for discussion. It finishes up this Sunday which should be ample time for late comers, and it's a bit of fun too, so why not take part!

What's the challenge?
Write a program that can solve sudoku puzzles. The input will be a text file (9 rows of 9 digits, 0 being an unknown cell). The output can be displayed on screen (text console or a gui) or saved to a text file.

Why should I do this?
These challenges are an easy way to brush up on your coding skills. They may or may no be directly game related, and it's a good chance to do something you might not normally do. There is no "winning" as such.. but by participating and learning we all win!

More details at the following link!!