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Good Game Competition

Submitted by Ash

The Australian Film Commission and ABC TV invite you to help us develop and produce a playable game prototype.

The prototype will be based on a game design communally developed online by YOU and the Good Game community. It will be split into 2 phases:

Phase 1 – Coming up with the Idea
The first stage will involve filling out a brief with your BIG IDEA and sending it to us.

To help you with your thinking we've put together some things you may like to consider when brainstorming your idea. Your idea may include all of these, some or none of them.. it might just be a game mechanic or concept. What we're looking for is something innovative and fun.

Phase 2 – Working Together to Build the Game
1. We will announce which BIG idea (or combination of ideas) has been chosen to go into development.
2. During the games production process we be constantly seeking your input, from the smallest to the largest details of the game. Brilliant contributions will be rewarded and will also receive a prize.
3. Two mentorships will be awarded to work with the developer making the prototype chosen on skills and contribution to the project.
4. In November a playable prototype will be ready for your testing.. again we'll seek comment and feedback before the game is finally made freely available to everyone via the Good Game website.