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Aussie Nintendo Interviews Tantalus CEO, Tom Crago


The people over at have a pre-E3 interview with Tantalus CEO, Tom Crago on Tantalus's Top Gear: Downforce game, what it's like working on the DS, thoughts about the Nintendo Wii, and future plans for Tantalus...

"You've certainly been one of the more prominent development houses in Australia. How does Tantalus feel in terms of your performance?

We're happy to grow organically, gradually expanding and enhancing our reputation for developing quality titles. As a company we've always been very diverse, which I think is one of our strengths. Right now we're working extensively on DS and PSP, and at the same time preparing to start work on the next-generation consoles. We've also shipped at least one game on each of the PS2, Xbox and Game Cube. What really motivates us is producing titles that sell well and that people enjoy. That's not always easy! There are a lot of external factors and obstacles that make this a tough business, but for the most part I'm happy with the road we've taken these past few years. You always hope your next game is going to be your best ever, and that the one after that will be better still!"

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/05/06 - 8:33 AM Permalink

  • 1. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 9 May 2006 23:31:25Z
    That website has grown well hasn't it!