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Gaming world thanks Australia for Fallout 3 changes

For those planning to import their copy of Fallout 3 to avoid the silly changes to meet our games classification, you need not bother anymore. It looks like Fallout 3 developer, Bethesda, want to bypass any more problems that other countries might have with the use of morphine in-game by having the edited Fallout 3 that passed Australia's OFLC scrutiny to be the version that is distributed around the world come October. Bethesda VP, Pete Hines, has told Edge magazine...

"We want to make sure folks understand that the Australian version of Fallout 3 is identical to both the UK and North American versions in every way, on every platform," Bethesda VP Pete Hines told Edge...

"An issue was raised concerning references to real world, proscribed drugs in the game, and we subsequently removed those references and replaced them with fictional names."

The modified Australian version also had the reward and incentive for in-game drug use reduced significantly. For the whole interview, head on over to Edge.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/09/08 - 11:35 PM Permalink

I was depending on this game to teach me how to use drugs. Now what am I going to do? :(

Submitted by Lantree on Thu, 11/09/08 - 9:21 AM Permalink

You might be able to get a rough idea from these "fictional" drugs. Oh dear no, you might make a connection to the drugs in real life, better remove the title altogether.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/09/08 - 2:06 PM Permalink

The only change to the game is that Morphine is now "Med X".