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AJN Interviews Alfred Milgrom

The AJN (Australian Jewish News) website has an article on the Hits of the ?80s exhibition that is currently held at the Australian Centre of the Moving Image (ACMI) Games Lab. They throw a few questions towards Alfred Milgrom, who co-founded of Beam Software and also opened the exhibition, on a few things about the early days of game development...

It was a very exciting time,? Milgrom, 59, told the AJN. ?We didn?t really know what the potential was going to be. It was a very small industry at the time.

?When we first released the software the packaging was a zip-lock bag with a sheet of paper and a cassette tape. That?s how software was distributed.?

You can catch the exhibition a Australian Centre of the Moving Image's Games Lab at Federation Square, Melbourne. Entry is free and is open to the public until May 6!