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Third-Wave Games Interview and War World Teaser Trailer

*** 20/12/25 1:43pm
There's another interview with Morten at Gamecloud. An interesting read with Morten answering questions on the year that has just past and the future for games...

"Gamecloud - Overall, what do you feel was the most significant thing that happened in 2005 in the video and PC game industry?

Morten Brodersen - The rise of downloadable games. People are complaining about a lack of risk taking and new innovative products but it is happening all over the place with downloadable games. Long term downloadable games are the future for the PC games platform and only AAA+ PC games will be sold in retail. This is a very good thing!"

Gamershell have a great interview with Morten and Johnni from Melbourne's Third-Wave Games. You'll find out a whole bunch of stuff about the planned expansion for their War World first person shooter, along with their contract-as-needed way of running a development studio...

"Morten: Third Wave Games is an Australia-based games production company functioning a bit like a film production house, in the sense that we are two partners running the company and everybody else is contracted on a project-by-project basis. If the project is big then we contract a big team to do it. If not, then we won?t. Instead of having an office where everybody is working, the projects we do are distributed globally over the Internet. War World was created by people in the US, UK, and Australia. It is a truly international team."

Be sure to check out the teaser trailer for the War World Tactical Combat at GameArena or Filefront, and read the rest of the interview at the following link!