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Transformers Armada preview

Gamespy has coverage of Atari Editor's Day 2003, where Atari show off all the games they're working on. One of the titles shown is Atari Melbourne House's Transformers Armada: Prelude to Energon...

"Though the game is several months away, the graphics I saw were looking most excellent.... Transformers Armada is on its way to become a solid thinking-man's action game... If the developers can design the levels and make use of the Mini-cons in such a manner, this could be the greatest Transformers adventure ever."

Gamespy also have a whole page of new screenshots to look at, and I agree, it looks fantastic! Click here to read Gamespy's preview.

** IGN also has a preview of Transformers Armada. There's even more screenshots, and some glowing comments for Melbourne House as well...

"After seeing all of the PS2 games at Atari's Gamers Day in Mexico, I have to admit the most technologically advanced game of the bunch, and the one with the most potential is Transformers Armada: The Battle for Erergon."

Jump on over here to have a look!