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IGDA Melbourne Meeting in May


(From David Hewitt)

G'day all.

I'm pleased to be able to announce the next meeting of the Melbourne chapter of the IGDA. The meeting will be held at 7pm, on Wednesday, May 4th, at The Canada Hotel (Swanston St, Carlton). As always, it'll be in "the barn", which is the big room at the back of the pub.

This meeting will be primarily a social meeting ? come along, meet other developers, have a beer and a chat. That sort of thing.

This meeting will also be attended by the organisers of the FREEPLAY conference, who will be keen to pick your brains. So, before you come along, have a think about what sessions and/or speakers you'd like to be a part of this year's conference. This'll be a great opportunity to make your voice heard, and influence the content of what I think is an important and significant event that's well worth throwing our weight behind.

A few other bits and pieces:

Please visit the IGDA Melbourne Forums and let us know what you think we should be doing for you. After all, it's the only way we'll learn.

I was fortunate enough to attend the IGDA Quality of Life Summit at GDC, and found it a really interesting and useful session. Materials from the summit should be made available to chapter coordinators shortly, and (if enough people are interested) I think I'll show at
least some of the highlights at a future meeting. So that might be something to look forward to.

When you come to the meeting, please bring along a friend from your studio, university or wherever. IGDA Melbourne meetings are free, there's no membership requirement, and there's sometimes even a prize.

Freeplay's not the only conference happening this year ? the annual Australian Game Developers Conference is on again, and we're hoping to arrange an IGDA happening (probably along the lines of a social event) as a part of that conference as well. Nothing's actually been arranged yet, but stay tuned for further developments, and be sure to speak up (either on the forums or at a chapter meeting) if you have any
suggestions for an IGDA event at AGDC.

Finally, please think about becoming an IGDA member! There are loads of little benefits, but more importantly: you'll be helping to make a difference.

That's it for now ? I hope to see you all on the 4th!
