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Just an idea

Submitted by Grover on

I think to clean up alot of comments on news itd be good to force a login for commentry on news items? Most other news places do it for comments, and I think would go a long way to maybe toning down some of the efforts seen under the banner of 'Anonymous Coward'.

I should note, that my motivation for this isnt against any particular offender etc etc. I think it would just improve the overall professional content of the News area. Which I think, has some real potential for some great discussions.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 03/08/06 - 9:59 PM Permalink

I suggested this before, or something similar, and no one was interested. It's a good idea in my opinion, but I doubt it would get implemented.

Submitted by souri on Sat, 05/08/06 - 10:49 PM Permalink

Yeh, we've had this discussion before. We've had suggestions of capturing i.p, having logins, or other means to identify the poster as a way to stop some of the more idiotic posts in commentary.

The thing is, anonymous posting overall has been more of a benefit than a problem. I honestly believe most of the comments posted would not have been made if there was an extra barrier like logging in needed. Some of the more insightful posts in Sumea news, of which there have been plenty (Perception thread, retaining IP for example) were written by those who, I'm certain, would very much prefer to remain anonymous.

Yeh, I know this concern is probably due to that thread that was sidetracked by AC's with Lorien getting baited, but rather than requiring a login which, like I mentioned, will reduce the numbers of comments posted, you could simply let me know and I'll fix the comment thread up.

Posted by Grover on

I think to clean up alot of comments on news itd be good to force a login for commentry on news items? Most other news places do it for comments, and I think would go a long way to maybe toning down some of the efforts seen under the banner of 'Anonymous Coward'.

I should note, that my motivation for this isnt against any particular offender etc etc. I think it would just improve the overall professional content of the News area. Which I think, has some real potential for some great discussions.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 03/08/06 - 9:59 PM Permalink

I suggested this before, or something similar, and no one was interested. It's a good idea in my opinion, but I doubt it would get implemented.

Submitted by souri on Sat, 05/08/06 - 10:49 PM Permalink

Yeh, we've had this discussion before. We've had suggestions of capturing i.p, having logins, or other means to identify the poster as a way to stop some of the more idiotic posts in commentary.

The thing is, anonymous posting overall has been more of a benefit than a problem. I honestly believe most of the comments posted would not have been made if there was an extra barrier like logging in needed. Some of the more insightful posts in Sumea news, of which there have been plenty (Perception thread, retaining IP for example) were written by those who, I'm certain, would very much prefer to remain anonymous.

Yeh, I know this concern is probably due to that thread that was sidetracked by AC's with Lorien getting baited, but rather than requiring a login which, like I mentioned, will reduce the numbers of comments posted, you could simply let me know and I'll fix the comment thread up.