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ignorant naive confused anything but stupid


hey souri

firstly thankyou for fixing my profile
ill plead ignorance for my mistake.
i am confused though
do i put my large image in pic 2?
and my thumbnail in pic 2?
and when i follow the instructions i find myself uploading my large image after i submit my news page and therefore i am in a new news page?
please help the naive or ignorant or confused
(anything but stupid, its not good to admit to a lie)

nannoo nannoo

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/03 - 11:35 PM Permalink

You can put your thumbnails in any pic slot, and your large pics in any pic slot.. just make sure your most favourite thumbnail is in pic1, because that's what gets shown on the main and section pages..

Following the steps, after you uploaded your large images, that's it. Done..

I don't want to confuse you more, but the upload bit is a seperate thing from adding news.. You can add news without uploading any pics at all.
The reason I put the upload thumbnails first is that when you upload your pics, it'll chuck the thumbnail image names in the pic slots for your news, which is pretty handy.. After you upload your thumbnails, you write your news, and click submit. That's it for your news entry.... Your news is done... and it has thumbnails.
The next and last thing you do is upload your image pics, and since their filenames weren't required to be added to your news entry, this is the final step.. Why don't large filenames need to be added to the news entry while thumbnails do? Well, the gallery page knows the thumbnail name, and uses that to find the large picture, which should end with an L.jpg.. so if your thumbnail you uploaded is called cat.jpg, the gallery would look for catL.jpg..

I hope I haven't confused you more..

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 18/03/03 - 2:38 AM Permalink

Cool for me at least that explanes a lot, I wondered why the system worked the way it did, without the explination it seemed a bit odd
but now. Much better



hey souri

firstly thankyou for fixing my profile
ill plead ignorance for my mistake.
i am confused though
do i put my large image in pic 2?
and my thumbnail in pic 2?
and when i follow the instructions i find myself uploading my large image after i submit my news page and therefore i am in a new news page?
please help the naive or ignorant or confused
(anything but stupid, its not good to admit to a lie)

nannoo nannoo

Submitted by souri on Mon, 17/03/03 - 11:35 PM Permalink

You can put your thumbnails in any pic slot, and your large pics in any pic slot.. just make sure your most favourite thumbnail is in pic1, because that's what gets shown on the main and section pages..

Following the steps, after you uploaded your large images, that's it. Done..

I don't want to confuse you more, but the upload bit is a seperate thing from adding news.. You can add news without uploading any pics at all.
The reason I put the upload thumbnails first is that when you upload your pics, it'll chuck the thumbnail image names in the pic slots for your news, which is pretty handy.. After you upload your thumbnails, you write your news, and click submit. That's it for your news entry.... Your news is done... and it has thumbnails.
The next and last thing you do is upload your image pics, and since their filenames weren't required to be added to your news entry, this is the final step.. Why don't large filenames need to be added to the news entry while thumbnails do? Well, the gallery page knows the thumbnail name, and uses that to find the large picture, which should end with an L.jpg.. so if your thumbnail you uploaded is called cat.jpg, the gallery would look for catL.jpg..

I hope I haven't confused you more..

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 18/03/03 - 2:38 AM Permalink

Cool for me at least that explanes a lot, I wondered why the system worked the way it did, without the explination it seemed a bit odd
but now. Much better
