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Up Multimedia released demo of retrovirus RTS

Submitted by Luke Miller

Melbourne, Australia, 1 October 2006. Up Multimedia is pleased to present a demo version of our forthcoming game, retrovirus RTS.

retrovirus RTS is the first real-time strategy game designed for the gp2x handheld game console. Three astronauts have returned to Earth infected by a belligerent alien virus. The player's gp2x console is transformed into a portable medical unit, and the gameplay revolves around the battle against the space virus on a cellular level.

This demo is playable and features three exclusively designed levels. The purpose of this release is to promote the game and also to discover any playability glitches before the full version is released.

Up Multimedia is a small independent game studio which has helped produce the underground hit "Gallipoli: The Game" and the gp2x games "Tunar" and "Oh! The Humanity!". As well as "retrovirus RTS", Up Multimedia is producing for 2007 the gay-themed adventure game "My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant".

retorvirus RTS full version is scheduled for release 1 November 2006.