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A family that frags together, stays together

Australian author, comedian and - as it appears - World of Warcraft player Wendy Harmer has penned an essay on the potential benefits of everyone in the household enjoying the odd sport of online gaming. She believes that young children can pick up a lot of skills - from the social variety to the more practical - through virtual play.

'...through the virtual society in WoW, my son is also learning something more subtle: how to be a good citizen. As a member of a guild, he sees that if he actively participates in the social niceties, he will build a bank of goodwill that will be useful for his personal aims. From joining in party battles he learns that his contributions are critical for the success or otherwise of a mission.'


'I also know for sure that if our house is ever attacked by a yowling pack of Flamescale Dragonspawn , Heavy War Golem and Mottled Raptors, my son and I will be ready! Beware!!'