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$3 million allocation to Film Victoria's DMF programs


Film Victoria is pleased to announce that continued support of the Digital Media Fund (DMF) has been confirmed with a commitment of $3 million for DMF programs and initiatives.

In an announcement earlier today, the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, Marsha Thomson stated "We"ve already had success with work funded through the Digital Media Fund including the production of international award-winning games and short interactive animations. It is also vitally important that Victoria is well placed to take advantage of the rapidly expanding market for original content for platforms such as broadband, interactive television and mobile phone technology."

"The state government's continued support of the Digital Media Fund enables Film Victoria to improve programs and guidelines in response to the dynamism of the new media environment and the needs of the Victorian digital industry. As a result, we are instituting changes to DMF guidelines that encourage access to a greater range of digital media developers and producers working across new digital media platforms." said CEO of Film Victoria, Sandra Sdraulig.