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Game On Free Public Programs: GOING INDIE


Time: 5:00PM Wednesday, March 3rd
Location:the glasshouse
Over 88% of Australian homes have some form of game playing platform, players range from young to old across genders and games are very much the medium of contemporary culture. The industry makes fortunes but the industry is also in dire need of new models of production, fresh innovative ideas and people prepared to explore potential new forms.

Come and join us for a presentation by a games industry veteran who gave up the glamour of the large studios to go indie.

Speaker Bio: John Passfield
John makes games for fun and for a living. He's been doing this for almost a quarter of a century and hopes to do it for at least twice as long. He founded a number of game studios notably Gee Whiz! Entertainment, Krome Studios and Red Sprite Studios and is currently one of the 3 Blokes studio team. Their latest games are Brainiversity2 and Hospital Town which you can find online, on Facebook and in stores all across North America.

Hospital Town: try it here on facebook: