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Retro Gaming on The Age

There are two interesting articles over at The Age by Jason Hill about the growing popularity of retro gaming and the demise of arcade parlours...

"The ever-increasing power, popularity and affordability of home consoles decimated the coin-operated market. Now almost all of Australia's "pinnie parlours" have gone, unlikely ever to reclaim their popularity, despite the attempts of the coin-operated industry to create a family-friendly image.

But the games themselves are refusing to die. Those "wayward" teens who once fed the insatiable coin-operated cabinets are now well into their 20s and 30s, and their nostalgia is fuelling a retro gaming boom."

If you fall into those age brakets, I'm sure you'll find the articles very interesting. Also included in the retro gaming article are some quotes from some familair names on Sumea.

Why arcade parlours are scoring low Ply Again