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Donation for ex-Ratbags

The closure of Ratbag games has affected a lot of people, and there have been a few personal stories of woe to come from the whole mess, the latest of which includes this...

"My partner Craig was here in Australia on a Working Holiday Sponsored Skilled visa with Ratbag Games. Then a big bad company, Midway, came and bought the company, with pie-crust promises to make it an even better place to work. After just 5 months of owning it, Midway have shut down the company!

So we are in the predicament of not being able to both afford to go back to Scotland, and are facing separation. We have been together in a De Facto relationship for nearly 2 years now... I want to raise money to be able to afford my ticket to join him via my online Ebay auction."

I've been told that they're good folk, so if any ex-Ratbaggers want to help out an old colleague, or if anyone else can spare some donations, you know where to click...

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/01/06 - 3:56 PMPermalink

  • 1. Mcdrewski - Thursday, January 05, 2006 - 5:53:26 PM
    I have donated, but have recieved an email from someone I don't know claiming this is not on the level. I don't know either way and am seeking some verification here:

    If it's legit, my apologies and sympathies - I'll ask Souri to remove this comment.
    If it's not, my pasty white mouse-pushing wrath will be upon the instigators - hitting the victims while they're down is pretty low.

  • 2. Glenn - Thursday, January 05, 2006 - 6:47:35 PM
    Hmm ask any ex-ratbag employee about Emma and Craig they'll know they are real people. I used to work there and donated money myself since I used to work in the same team as Craig and sit at the desk next to him.

    I got the same email from some guy in the states, but think of it this way, if you got mates from where you are working (I think thats Krome right McDrewski?) who have mates who work for ratbag you should ask them to verify it for you. Plus Krome are getting quite a few ratbaggers i'd imagine so you could ask them.

    Also consider that the ebay account has quite a bit of establishment, lots of auctions done with 99"(percent) happiness.

  • 3. Emma - Friday, January 06, 2006 - 7:53:37 AM
    Hey McDrewski - thanks again for your donation, and please be assured we are genuine. There's always going to be cynical people who start crap, I knew to expect it... Glenn will support that Craig and I are genuine people in a shit situation, we're just trying to do what we can to get out of it... I'd prefer people chose to either donate, or ignore it, not start wars over it... :) People are starting to doubt its authenticity - but the situation is true. I need about S1500 more for my airfare. I need it by the 11th of January.

    In the event that the cynics start picking me to pieces, its ok... I'm a strong enough girl to be ready for what they fling at me... Thanks. :) Emma

  • 4. Mcdrewski - Friday, January 06, 2006 - 10:08:01 AM
    Apologies. I'm confident it's on the level. Good luck.
  • 5. Emma - Friday, January 06, 2006 - 12:51:19 PM
    Thanks a bunch again... :)
    Cheers! Ems
  • 6. Anonymous Coward - Friday, January 06, 2006 - 4:40:42 PM
    I'm flying to the UK. I had to buy my own ticket though :(
  • 7. Anonymous Coward - Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 7:01:52 PM
    best of luck with it all
  • 8. exratbagger - Monday, January 23, 2006 - 12:02:28 PM
    I think this is rediculous asking for donations! We all got paid out and are all in the same situation. If anyone deserves a donation its the Romanian couple who sold their house, quit their jobs and got visa's to work here only to be told that they dont have a job. When they were offered donations, they just asked for a job!