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Call for Hitman and Manhunt Opinions for A Current Affair

(from the Sumea forum)

Hi there,
My name is Lucie, I am putting together a story for A Current Affair Channel Nine. I am looking for anyone who has played Hitman, Manhunt and has an opinion on whether they are violent or not. I would also like to find a kid and a parent who have an opinion on these games. Ideally I am looking for someone who thinks the classification laws are fine and people should be able to play these games just as they can chose to watch a violent film.

It would be great to get an opinion from people in the know and I would like to find someone who could be itnerviewed for the program who has a good knowledge of these games.

Any help would be much appreciated at or on (02) 9965 2304

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/08/04 - 4:38 AM Permalink

  • 1. Michael - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 12:16:31 AM
    I whould loved to be interviewed on TV!!

    I own both manhunt and hitman: contracts and hitman2. They are very violent. Especialy manhunt, And i think that an R18+ rating for games should be introduced to Australia. Why shouldnt people be able to choose what they want to play? I am only 14 and own both games as i said. I am not to young to play them because realisticly i am mature enough to understand that its just a game and nothing more. My parents agree. However these 2 games should NOT be made avalible to everyone under 18. I agree manhunt is EXTREMELY violent, somewhat sick infact. But why cant the goverment let us make up our own minds on what we want to play. SPEAKING from an adults point of view offocourse. Statistics show that "(percent)80 of gamers are adults anyway. So why cant we have an R classification for games? Theres an R rating for movies and such. Why not games? It is not only children who play games. And i have the best knowledge of games you will ever find in anyone.

  • 2. iceman - Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 4:06:46 PM
    shut up ya little shit and let me do it
  • 3. mick - Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 10:31:15 PM
    who edited my post and put i am only 14? im 17 idiots
  • 4. mick - Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 1:14:17 AM
    too late iceman iv already been told im gonna get to do it!! ahahahahah!!!!