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Big Block Games creating RPG in 14 days for Child's Play charity


New Zealand based indie developers, Big Block Games, hit the front page of Reddit this morning when they posted about their fund raising efforts for Child's Play charity by developing a complete RPG within 14 days. Their website crashed with the influx of so many visitors, but thankfully they've managed to have that all sorted now.

The team is currently on the 4th day of their two week intensive game development marathon, and they're livestreaming it all. If you hop onto their livestreaming channel at any particular time, you're bound to find someone working away on the art assets in Photoshop or plonking down the code for the game as they're pretty much working around the clock.

For those who know the work of expatriate, Paul Greasley, through his past games like Black Market or Zompocalypse, it's a special treat since he really is one damn talented artist. I'm sure it'll be just as rewarding and educational to see how the others do their work as well, so check their livestream here!

In addition to the livestream, they're also responding to questions and feedback from viewers in the livestream chat, as well as taking on requests from those who've donated to their cause.

Their game, Coffee Break Hero, and all the information on their progress as well as how to donate can be had by heading to: