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Nocturnal releases Catapult V1.20b

Catapult V1.20b (Nocturnal's GBA development system) has finally been released!

It has numerous changes and additions, including :
- Music support (Nmod!)
- Brand new editor, including :
- command completion
- fully coloured language (customizable)
- right-click context windows
- runtime information/help bar
- unlimited undo/redo commands
- Sprite rotation support
- Enhanced tile editing
- Rotation bank dialog
- Array view dialog
- New table (constant data) system
- Image processor improvements
- generate TileMaps from images
- various tile 'reduction' options
- extensive new user guide
- significant speed improvements

It can be downloaded from Nocturnal's website : . Also, the Catapult Demo Competition has officially started!- see the competition page for details.