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Media Manager For Australian PSPs

Sony Computer Entertainment Australia has announced the launch of Media Manager for the PSP – an application that allows PSP users to swap and manage content with their PC. Media Manager allows file sharing between the PSP and the PC, letting the user transfer images, videos, songs, podcasts, documents etc. It even has built in conversion technology to ensure that all videos and other files are viewable on the PSP in the appropriate format. Raoul Bedford, Director of Marketing for SCE Australia, said the following:

We are excited about the launch of Media Manager as it adds some fantastic options that will maximise the PSP user experience ensuring that the device remains the ultimate entertainment companion for all present and future PSP users. PSP owners will now have a simple to run applications that help organise and manage non-game content like videos, music, photos and much more on their PSP with the utmost ease.

The Media Manager is available now in Australia, and has yet to be announced for its launch in the United States. It can be purchased in CD format for $39.95, or Sony include vouchers to download it with the PSP Value Pack Media Manager Edition.