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Advice on Climate Change Game Idea?

Tim has an interesting proposal and a request for advice, so if anyone is interested in discussing about it, be sure to hop on over to the forum and give him a yell!

Hi people,

Here's a challenge for you all!

I am a climate change / renewable energy campaigner and have come up with an idea (more properly, two ideas) for communicating through digital gaming that we can tackle climate change with renewable energy and not touch the 'nuclear option'. It sounds esoteric and weird, and it probably is, but I am convinced it could work really well as a campaign tool!

I have heaps of contacts in the energy world who like the concept and believe it would be possible to model. However, I have no contacts on the IT tech side.

I am very much in need of an interested party to bounce ideas off and help me refine the concept to the point where I can seek funding and then, hopefully, turn it into reality - involving recruiting on of you to do it. In the short term,

I am seeking someone / various people off this forum who could help me in the development stage simply by answering questions, offering advice, etc. Anyone out there willing / able to help me out? Very much hoping to hear from you. Many thanks, Tim