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Games Classification in Australia

The Age has a great article on the games classification issue in Australia. It's a well researched and written summary of the situation in Australia, reporting on a study which found no real evidence to link games as an influence to violent behaviour, the governments unchanged stance on the need for an R rating for games, along with the GTA3 censorship debacle...

"The Australian Library and Information Association says the public wants change. "The research undertaken demonstrates no evidence that members of the community perceive computer games as a major social problem. Adults play computer games and should have the choice to play a game for adults only. Attempting to restrict content on locally based community standards can be divisive, counterproductive and essentially unworkable," says the association's executive director, Jennefer Nicholson."

There are some great comments included in the report which round up the general feelings towards the lack of an R rating classification for games here.

A worthy note about this article is that the journalist posted in the Sumea forum asking for contributors a few months ago - so you might see some familiar names in there!