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Krome Studios open new Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Website


Krome Studios have just put up the website for their latest Ty game called TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan. The site offers fans an array of cool information including:

- News: TY and his mates will provide regular news updates of the game and their status.
- EnTYclopedia: helpful information on things found in the game including characters, locations, vehicles, etc.
- Fun Page: as the name implies, visitors can entertain themselves with the many options found on this page including coloring, testing their skills on mini-games, listening to the music/audio from the game, viewing cool videos, downloading wallpaper, to name a few.
- Links and Contact: this is where fans can send their favorite characters a message.

Check it out!

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/09/05 - 10:41 AM Permalink

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