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Video Games Live to come to Australia

IMG Artists (responsible for bringing "Play!" to the Sydney Opera House) has just announced Australian representation of Video Games Live, the world's leading video game concert, produced by renowned composers Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall.

With a live symphony orchestra and choir performing the music, together with spectacular visuals and effects, Video Games Live showcases not only the exciting music of video games, but also the dazzling cutting-edge visuals, interactivity, technology, community and fun that video games also provide. Australian tour dates are still in planning and have not yet been released.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/05/07 - 9:03 AM Permalink

  • 1. Paranoid Individual - Thu, 10 May 2007 17:34:32Z
    Sydney's been listed as a destination on VGL's website for over a year now. It's nice to hear that they're actually planning on following through on that old promise, but it would have been nicer to hear a date, rather than yet another 'eventually'. At this rate, it'll be 2008 IF WE'RE LUCKY.

    They went to New Zealand! Why not Australia on the way back?! We like music too!