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TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3 Preview


Game Daily has a preview of Ty 3: Night of the Quinkan, going through all the new additions and features of the latest in this popular platformer series by Krome Studios...

"Visually this is the best looking Ty yet. The colorful and detailed levels have this awesome sand box design, so one minute I was scuttling down a winding street and the next I was barreling through the brush. Then I was zipping through the air through power lines and shooting down these massive enemies. There's just a lot of variety here as well as some nice character art. There are well over 100 characters in this game (50 new ones and 50 from the sequel), all of which are Australian and represent animals found in the natural environment."

There's also mention of unlockable content which you'll get to view some concept art and a sneak peak at.. Ty 4!