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AGDC 2005 Awards Results

The official AGDC 2005 awards results are up on the AGDC website...

Career Achievement Award - Steve Stamatiadis, Krome Studios
Award for Outstanding Innovation - BigWorld Pty Ltd
Award for Outstanding Industry Contribution - Sidhe Interactive
Award for Best New Start-Up - Firemint
Award for Best Game of 2005 - IR Gurus for Heroes of the Pacific
Award for Best PC Game - IR Gurus for Heroes of the Pacific
Award for Best Console Game - Pandemic Studios Australia for Destroy All Humans!
Award for Best Handheld Game - Sidhe Interactive for GripShift
Award for Best Mobile Phone Game - Firemint for Star Trek - The Cold Enemy
Award for Best Original Character Design - Krome Studios for TY the Tasmanian Tiger
Award for Best Game Audio - Pandemic Studios Australia for Destroy All Humans!
Award for Best Game Design - Andy Satterthwaite, Sidhe Interactive for GripShift
Award for Best Level Design - Sidhe Interactive for GripShift
Award for Programming Excellence - David Jewsbury, IR Gurus for Heroes of the Pacific
Award for Outstanding Visual Arts - Clive Hambly, IR Gurus for Heroes of the Pacific

2005 Australian Game Developers Awards - Unsigned Games Nomination
Award for Best Unsigned Game (Professional) - Gridwerx Genesis, Gridwerx
Award for Best Unsigned Game (Professional) Runner Up - Cube, Metia Interactive
Award for Best Unsigned Game (Indie) - Aporkalypse, AIE Melbourne
Award for Best Unsigned Game (Indie) Runner Up - Battlecore, ChickenHead Studios

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/12/05 - 8:25 AMPermalink

  • 1. Mcdrewski - Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 9:35:42 AM
    Congratulations to all the winners - great to see a mix of studios across the board rather than domination by one or two.

    Even better to see two of the better performers as non-multinational locals, Sidhe and IR Gurus - Congrats!

  • 2. Souri - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 3:54:49 AM
    Sidhe and IR Gurus certainly have done well in the awards this year. Well done.

    I do have to say though, the Award for Best Original Character Design category should be dropped. There aren't many new titles released every year with original characters to warrant a category for it, otherwise TY would pretty much win it every darn year :/