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Gamespot Interviews Ben Palmer from IR Gurus

Ganespot caught up with IR Gurus executive producer, Ben Palmer, at the 2007 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco last week to chat about what IR Gurus is up to. It looks like the now 100-strong IR Gurus studio is finishing up on Heatseeker and well way into the development on a big next-gen title. Not much further detail was revealed about that unfortunately, but Ben did have this to say about Aussie developers...

Australia has a good technical reputation globally. There's a tendency for Australians to solve problems--we're ingenious in that manner...

We're no longer seen as a cheaper alternative to the US--partly because the US dollar isn't as strong as it could be. I think people are looking to Australia now for quality, whereas in the past some developers sold on price.

Read the entire interview over at Gamespot!

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/03/07 - 3:21 PM Permalink

  • 1. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:56:23Z
    I wonder if developers in Oz have noticed the swing in the US dollar to be closer to the Aussie Dollar. i.e. if they have had to change the way they approach development.
  • 2. Apologetic Abuser - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 13:41:37Z
    Doubtful, I believe that the overall developement process in Australia is great despite economic variables. Not to go off patriotic without reason, but i believe that Australian generally work hard, especially whitin an industry that still doesn't have a vast majority of people in it.