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Wii In the Industry

Aussie Nintendo has put together some quotes from those ‘in the business’, on their impressions of the Wii. These quotes originate from various sources.

Aussie CEO of Krome Studios, Robert Walsh, said the following to IGN here:

I saw 600,000 Wiis sold in the first week. Who would have thought, and they’re predicting four million by the end of the year. But there’s no way you can discount Sony. It has such a core gaming brand strength. I think the real winner at the end of the day is the consumer. The Wii is so cool and so different, they’ve gotten something that in the past really wasn’t there. Outside of Nintendo first party, predominantly all games for the GameCube were ports from PS2 and Xbox. Whereas now, because Wii is so different, it’s going to have unique games created specifically for this creative and cool game console.

Microsoft’s Andre Vrignaud, better known as ‘Ozymandias’, gaming platform strategist for the Xbox and Windows, talked about his impressions of the Wii in his blog, including the current state of the online service.

The online service isn't there yet - but to be fair, it also wasn't promised at launch as did Sony. Nintendo is still insisting on using Friend Codes (or Wii number) to identify yourself on the system. This sort of sucks. While they took some good leaps ahead of all of the competition in personalization with the Mii concept, this is a definite throwback. It's also difficult as hell to use. In spite of knowing a friend's Wii number, we were never able to get the boxes to have any sort of friend relationship.


Graphically the Wii won't blow your socks off. Even Zelda, probably one of the best looking Wii games, only ranges from "ok" to "very good" in my opinion. (Yes, I have the component cables.) My hope is that there will be enough games that don't need high-end graphics to enable the Wii to survive past the first couple of years. … I'll also add that the new controls don't add anything to the Zelda experience - frankly, they were tacked on to help sell Wiis. However, they also don't negatively impact the game experience so it's a bit of a wash.

The following link has more ‘industry’ impressions.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/12/06 - 8:33 AM Permalink

  • 1. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:23:52Z
    some people are just impatient, it often takes a few hours to a day before friend codes will sync up.
  • 2. Peddy - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 4:34:50Z
    it shouldnt take that long. the messages arent instant at all, taking up to an hour to send, and the wiiconnect24 is false. nothing is preloaded, updates arent automatically downloaded and ready to install. hell, the shop channel has to CONNECT to the internet. the console is meant to be (ideally) connected ALL THE TIME. preload that sucker!
    however, heres hoping Nintendo SERIOUSLY listens to the consumer's feedback, because its all good, logical, and suicidal to ignore.