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Fahrenheit - Are videogames the future of storytelling?

A work of 'interactive drama' Fahrenheit is a paranormal thriller where your actions modify the story.

Saturday 19 November, 2.30 pm
Screen Pit (Ground) > Free

Designed to build a powerful connection between player and the on-screen action every turn and every micro-decision you make has serious consequences for story and player. To write Fahrenheit's 2000 page script, designer David Cage, used a writing technique called 'bending stories' allowing the player to stretch areas of the story without breaking the quality and pacing of the storytelling.

It is cold in New York City; freezing in fact. The game opens as Lucas Kane - the first of four playable characters - kills another man in a hypnotic state. He is overwhelmed by what he has done and flees. From this point every choice you make as Lucas or the detectives who are pursuing him impact on the chilling story unfolding.

Join our panel as they compare game experiences, discuss the games storytelling mechanisms and reflect on interactive drama and the future of games. Panel: David Tiley, Film writer and Editor Screen Hub, Christian McCrea, Cinema Studies, University of Melbourne, David Hewitt lead designer Tantalus Interactive, Chair Helen Stuckey, ACMI.