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Sony attempts to fix PlayStation 3

In a movie that's not particularly surprising, Sony has announced that it's going to do everything it can to fix the backwards compatibility issues with the PlayStation 3. As reported yesterday, some PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games simply weren't running or, if they were, weren't running very well (missing audio, stalling at menus, etc).

Here's hoping it's all sorted by the time we manage to get out hands on the long-awaited console.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 17/11/06 - 9:46 AM Permalink

  • 1. Anonymous Coward - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:51:23Z
    Nothing can fix the PS3....


  • 2. Shams - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 22:21:4Z
    Im sure most of those will be fixe3d - but can they do anything about the PS3 downsampling games to 480p? (most PS3 games so far only run up to 720p, and many HDTV's only support 480/1080 modes).
  • 3. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:8:1Z
    Apparently it is not something that can be fixed by firmware upgrade. DOH!

    I am amazed at how Sony could truly boffo this one. What a shame.