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Tribes Vengeance beta previews

Plenty of Tribes Vengeance previews happening at the moment as a closed beta is available to press and a select few Tribes fans...

"From what we've played so far, it looks like it'll be worth the effort, as Tribes Vengeance should provide enough depth to keep players busy for quite a while. We'll have more news on Tribes Vengeance as it becomes available."

- Gamespy.

"I am very excited for the chance to mix it up online again. Those afternoons and late nights I spent jetting around far flung planets locked in mortal combat with dozens of other players from around the world are some of the best multiplayer experiences I have had. Likewise, I am intrigued to see what they have dreamed up for the single player game. It's clear that this early in the beta, there will be many changes due to balancing and quite a bit of polishing and refining that is yet to come. From what I have seen so far, it looks like the next version of Tribes is moving in the right direction"

- Actiontrip

"At this point, the beta is very limited. So limited, in fact, that only about 50 of the most experienced Tribes players are in right now. Even though I usually end up getting my ass kicked by one (or several of them at once), I've still been having a lot of fun with the beta so far."

- PC IGN. PC IGN has a very detailed analysis of the Tribes Vengeance beta, with pictures and descriptons of each of the weapons, maps and armour packs you can collect, vehicles, and multiplayer game modes available for play!