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Game Loading Forum @ ACMI May 5 2004

Submitted by Vincent Trundle

Wednesday 5 May 2004, 11am-12.45pm
$8 (metro) or $6 (regional and rural)
To pre-book contact ACMI on 03 8663 2441

Taking time out of their currentlty intensive production schedule these two leading game artists from Torus Games explore their inspirations, describe how they create designs which fit with the general look and feel of the game and take you through their process of creating the graphics for a Sony PS2 game from scratch.

Speakers from Torus Games (
CAMERON CRICHTON is the Lead Artist for the current PS2 title in development. Cameron has also provided art and animation for GBA and Nokia N-Gage platforms. Prior to working for Torus, Cameron was technical director at Momentum Animations.
With his strong animation background Cameron will discuss his role as lead artist and the major differences in creating 3D art for games as opposed to the more traditional storytelling formats.
DAVID BIGGS is the technical artist also working on the current PS2 title. David has also been lead artist on Duke Nukem Advance, and Doom2 for Game Boy Advance and created art for Carmageddon: TDR2000. Prior to working at Torus Games, David completed a computer science degree.
David will take you further into the world of game graphics illuminating subjects such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artefact Placement Entity Placement (Entities are enemies, coverpoints, ladders, vehicles, dynamic objects etc) and how the art asset production interacts with the programming.