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Sumea at Hits of the 80s Exhibition

Last week was the opening of the "Hits of the 80s - Aussie Games That Rocked the World" exhibition at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) down in Melbourne. The exhibition, described as a way to "Discover the games of the pioneering Beam Software (Melbourne House) in this secret history of Australia's place in the rise and rise of the videogame" included displays of highly influential games and publications by Beam / Melbourne House as well as old consoles, and was opened by none other than Alfred Milgrom, founder of Beam Software (Melbourne House).

Alfred is a true icon and pioneer of the Australian games industry, and some would say, the games industry in general. Sumea was invited to come along to the exhibition, and we thought it was a great opportunity to capture it for prosperity. We were even lucky enough to have an interview with Alfred as well!

Thanks to ACMI for organizing the exhibition as well as inviting us, and to our news editor, Chris Taylor, for capturing the footage and conducting the interview with Alfred. The first part of the footage we'll make available now is of Alfred's opening presentation of the exhibition where he describes some of the early days at Beam / Melbourne House. I won't bore you with a summary of what he says, but I think it's highly worth the download to hear a bit of Australian game development history!!!