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Perception announces legal proceedings against JoWooD


Submitted by Sc0rpi0n

Sydney-based Perception, the developer behind "Stargate SG-1: The Alliance", an FPS game based on the Stargate SG-1 TV series that was cancelled in early 2006, have begun legal proceedings against their ex-publisher, the Austrian-based JoWood Productions AG, according to Perception's website. Perception are apparently just about to file damages against JoWood in excess of EUR 8 million.

From Perception's website:

"We are confident that the outcome of the trial will result in a satisfactory result for Perception. Legal advice received in Austria and Australia confirms that any judgement granted against JoWooD in an Australian court is enforceable in Austria ," stated Perception’s CEO, Ben Lenzo

This is completely separate from the criminal libel proceedings Perception issued against JoWooD CEO, Dr Albert Seidl in September 2005 - that is still going through the courts.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 22/11/07 - 10:10 PMPermalink

  • 1. Anonymous Thu, 22 Nov 2007 13:14:38 EST

    I hate JowooD.

  • 2. Anonymous Thu, 22 Nov 2007 13:40:46 EST

    I thought perception was dead.

    Are they still hiring people?

  • 3. Anon Thu, 22 Nov 2007 15:05:54 EST

    Yes, Perception *is* dead, the company is made up of Ben Lenzo and his mother.

  • 4. Anonymous Thu, 22 Nov 2007 15:44:35 EST

    lol it wont be dead if they win

  • 1. Anonymous Fri, 23 Nov 2007 14:26:01 EST

    Perception as a game developer would be dead though. Who'd wanna go back into game development after all this crap? Take that 8 million Euro and enjoy life, dude!

  • 5. Anonymous Thu, 22 Nov 2007 16:37:35 EST

    It seemed like JoWooD made things impossible at every single turn for Perception, I think this is a great move and I hope it all works out in favour of Perception. Many talented people were pushed under by an inept publisher.

  • 1. Anonymous Tue, 27 Nov 2007 17:04:51 EST

    How about inept studio management?

    Or are studios always blameless... ?

  • 1. Anonymous Tue, 27 Nov 2007 19:28:12 EST

    Studios are always blameless, of course! It's the big bad publisher! Learn some solidarity! :)

    That said, there's been nasty rumours about how JoWood operates floating around for some time. A lot of them are probably exaggeration, but where there's smoke....

  • 6. Anonymous Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:44:31 EST

    The stories I've heard about Perceptions management are pretty bad.

  • 7. Anonymous Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:10:18 EST

    The original case was about Jowood claiming they owned the Stargate license, which was plain crap, so I don't think it's about the game itself.

    I was at Perception at the time and like many other places it had its share of problems. They were screwed over bigtime by jowood though.