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The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning Preview


IGN has a pre-E3 preview of "The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning" game that Krome Studios are developing, now that publisher Vivendi games has lifted the lid on it's secrecy. It looks like Krome are pushing the franchise into a more modern direction with plenty of offerings in the action department...

"Not only is A New Beginning more action-oriented than previous titles in the series, but the game is a bit darker as well, both in terms of art design and theme. It's still a very bright and colorful game, but it's not quite as cheery as before. There were a couple technical elements that hadn't made it into the build we saw, like an advanced lighting system and a few particle tricks, but the game looks pretty nice even in its current form."

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning by Krome Studios looks set for an October release.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 23/04/06 - 12:00 PM Permalink

  • 1. Anonymous Coward - Sat, 13 May 2006 12:26:4Z
    is it avalible to buy in Australia?

    from Hannah

  • 2. Anonymous Coward - Sat, 13 May 2006 13:57:55Z
    Its just a demo they were showing at e3, a big games conference in the states where people go to see whats in production in terms of games. Only journalists and other games publishers/developers are allowed in.

    So the game is not out yet, but when it will be it'll be available in Australia as well.

  • 3. Spyro - Wed, 31 May 2006 3:8:35Z
    I'd assume it would be available everywhere game consoles are sold.
    It's due here in america for October 12, 2006. I don't know if it's different anywhere else but I'd guess it would have to be.