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Gamespot AU interviews Transmission Games

Gamespot AU have an interview up with Transmission Games CEO, Mike Fegan, on a whole matter of issues such as the recent buy-out (the studio was previously known as IR Gurus), what it means for the company, their new Sin City game currently in development, the AFL license, and of course, the 40 percent industry rebate...

MF: Our biggest problem is in the past, we've been totally ignored by the Federal Government. We're a legitimate part of the arts and technology sector. The other thing is once we get that accreditation, so to speak, we want a level playing field with the film industry. We're not looking for a handout. What we're looking for is financial incentives that stimulate financial contracts coming to Australia...

It's a fantastic read, so be sure to head on over to Gamespot AU for the entire low-down on Transmission Games.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 23/11/07 - 12:50 PMPermalink

  • 1. Anonymous Fri, 23 Nov 2007 17:03:19 EST

    Lets hope they find the development dollars they need to make these games.

  • 2. Anonymous Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:02:28 EST

    Not a big fan of IR Gurus, worked there for a few years etc. Heard they are getting better though, so lets hope there promises of some AAA title actually pan through.