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Delta9 Visual Submissions Competition No. 1

This competition is to make something that could fit into the Delta9 universe. You will have to create a model and a texture. If you wish you can give it a name, but this is not necessary.

The categories are:

- Mechs
- Vehicles (land, sea and air)
- Weapons and items
- Humans and armor

The prizes are as follows:

1st - 2 yrs free play time (on any of our MMO games)
2nd - 1 yr free play time (on any of our MMO games)
3rd - 6 mths free play time (on any of our MMO games)

In addition all contributions will get you free play time (depending on complexity and quality of the submission).

How to submit:

Register an account at Roket-Productions (if you have not yet done so) then reply to the "Delta9 Visual Submissions Competition No. 1" topic. Please only one entry per category per person. There will be other competitions in the future that you will be able to submit your other creations to. The deadline for this competition is the 1st of April and the results will be posted within the month.