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Citizen Zero Beta and Release Date

Thanks to Fips again for keeping us in touch with Citizen Zero news. Paul McInnes (Lead Designer of Citizen Zero) has made a few important posts in the Citizen Zero forums on Micro Fortes eagerly awaited MMORPG. The first gives a time frame on when we can expect to see a public beta and a release date...

"now that the post-E3 jetlag has passed it seems like a good time to talk about the future of these forums.

We will be going public beta mid 2005 (with a limited beta some months before) and shipping Q4 2005. Our goal with our own website (and dealings with fansites and online media outlets) is to grow the presence of the game strongly but steadily over the next 12 months."

You can read Paul's post and the thread by clicking here..

You might remember when the details on Citizen Zero were revealed at E3, it had the fanbase a little concerned. The question was "is Citizen Zero was still a RPG?", Paul makes another forum post which tries to clear a few things up...

"Is CZ a RPG or an action game? CZ is an action RPG with a deep mythos. The 'soul? of CZ stems from unique a setting and dramatic situation brought alive. We don?t just want to create a great game (which is a very fine thing to do) but to create a tangible, plausible and coherent world to explore, inhabit and master. This ties together the action and RPG elements into a coherent whole."

Read Paul's ramble in the Citizen Zero thread by clicking the link following...