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Hellboy Movie Teaser


Although we won't see the game on shelves for quite some time yet, a teaser video for Hellboy has been released and is available at CVG. Hellboy is currently in development at Krome Studios who are planning its release date for 2007 to coincide with the opening of the Hellboy 2 movie. "Teaser" is a pretty good word to describe the video, with a quarter of it consisting of fading publisher and developer logos, and the rest is filled with brief fade-in fade-out CGI shots.

I'm sure it's worth a look if you're a Hellboy fan though, and this snippet from CVG about the game will peak the interest of fans as well...

The plot apparently sees the crimson skinned behemoth on the trail of a crazed witch, during which he uncovers the usual fiendish plot for world domination and must defeat crazed adversary Hermann von Klempt, before he can exert his evil will on a hapless world.