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A Voxel Agents retrospective of Year 1

The Voxel Agents have popped onto tsumea to let us know that they've released the powerpoint slides of their IGDA Melbourne presentation held just two weeks ago.

If you've missed out, here's your chance to get a brief summary the lessons learnt and the realities this new Melbourne indie start-up experienced during their first year of existence. The summary focuses on the business side of things like how much they invested, income and expenses, and how they approached marketing and production.

Going indie is very rewarding and enjoyable. It is also extremely hard to make a living from it. We wanted to share our experiences to help others who are planning to start an indie studio. The retrospective covers our mistakes, our successes, the things we did that gave the most value and some harsh realities of the indie financial situation.

It's an invaluable insight to anyone else currently or planning to go a similar route, so it's highly recommended reading. Watch the slide and read about the presentation at The Voxel Agent's blog at the following link!