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South Australian Creativity and Innovation. Not for Games?

Dan Thorsland, who you may remember made the impassionate plea to save Krome Studios Adelaide recently, was the sole voice in drumming support for games development during a State Government consultation where strategic plans on growing and innovating industries in South Australia were discussed.

Disappointingly, no other delegates were interested in taking part of the discussion during the topic of games development, except Dan. What was most surprising to hear is that when the topic was given the broader scope of "Digital Media", there were still no takers.

Dan has written about the set back on the S.A Plan website as well his blog, describing his disappointment in the lack of interest on this vital sector of the industry.

(Dan)...not a single one of the 80-odd delegates attending today’s session felt it worthwhile to discuss the future of gaming as a local industry is an abject failure for the hundreds of local students and grass-roots teams aspiring to create games.

In the current State Government plan, the games industry literally has no presence in your future. From my reading, they have no vision for the medium you love and support through the vast number of retail outlets, informal communities, conventions and university programs.

Dan has written some words to encourage others on what to do next, so be sure to head on over to the S.A Plan website to read Dan's write-up and provide your thoughts and comments at the following link..

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 28/09/10 - 4:39 PM Permalink

This is the same state government that up until recently has an Attorney-General that didn't even try to disguise his contempt for games and those who make them.

Try speaking to the Member for Norwood, Steven Marshall, about it to see if he can make any waves in parliament.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 28/09/10 - 10:19 PM Permalink

Thanks for the tip. I've had a few contacts from other members of the industry here in Adelaide, and all would have attended if they had known about it. I was simply lucky -- I was on the radar of a couple sympathetic folks in Government, and they invited me to the meeting.

Fortunately, there is plenty of time to be heard. Hit the SA Plan site and click the "formal submissions" button on the left. Deadline is October 15th.

One good thing about being a tenacious pest in a small city -- you can be heard. Everyone in SA needs to chime in.

-Dan Thorsland

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 29/09/10 - 6:54 AM Permalink

I would be very happy to raise the concerns of the industry in the SA Parliament.

Perhaps interested industry members could meet to give me a briefing one day in Parliament House.

Best to contact my office on 8331 8150 to set up a time.

Steven Marshall, MP
Member for NORWOOD