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Speed Racer interview with Sidhe Interactive


Hot on the heels of the release of their Speed Racer game, Sidhe Interactive has been interviewed by New Zealand game site Game Planet on their thoughts and motivations behind their movie-licensed car racer / beat'em up. Sidhe Interactive's managing director, Mario Wynards, and senior producer, Andy Satterwaite, was at hand to give a small bit of history on Sidhe, the project of translating the Wachowski Brothers vision and style to the game, the focus of speed and combat, and the challenges of putting all this on the Wii console. From Game Planet...

Mario: Well we pushed the graphics on the Wii pretty hard. We did effects like colour blurring and speed lines. We did lots of iterations, tested, then worked on how we could deliver more and more speed. The slow motion crashes also helped to give the player a sense of the enormous speed of their cars.