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Lead Artists, Producers and Lead Designers with Entrepreneurial Aspirations Wanted at Valhalla Studios

Valhalla Studios is Expanding into Melbourne & You can Own a Piece of the Pie! We've recently set up in Melbourne to coordinate it's studio rollout and are looking for more talented partners.

Valhalla Studios is a Self-Sustaining Independent Game Studio & Training College est 2007.

Over the past two years we have perfected a model of business that doesn't rely on Publishers backing to stay afloat, allowing us the freedom and time to make truly new titles.

We are opening a limited number of new studios in Brisbane and Melbourne; and in order to achieve our vision we require a handful of extraordinary people to partner with us.

This model of ownership purchase requires little cash upfront; we assist with acquiring required capital by supplying bank financials and accounting support. We've received feedback from current applicants that this opportunity appears too good to be true, though the successful applicants from our first round of partnering can now vouch for the fact we're serious.

What we're looking for in potential owners:
• A genuine enthusiasm & deep passion for Games & Games Development.
• At least 2 years Industry experience & 1 release .
• A skillset able to fulfil one of the following roles:
○ Lead Designer - Create or refine a truly innovative game mechanic that is most of all fun; C# Coding Experience preferred.
○ Producer - Inspire & Coach the team, delivering project milestones on-time, every time; Intermediate Art skills in industry standard 2D & 3D Packages (Photoshop & Max preferred).
○ Lead Artist - Mentor & support the art team; Art Skills as above in an Advanced capacity.

The Opportunity would give you:

• Extensive creative licence over Titles that your studio makes; and significant input into how they are made.
• A secure salary based role in the company (Lead Designer, Producer or Lead Artist).
• Leadership over 60 passionate Part Time employees
• Profit Share of 5% which could potentially result in an additional income of $35k- $280k (+ for a hit as there is no cap) per year
• Your creative input and ownership interest in the studio will also result in additional potential passive income, as a result of your partial rights to the IP of each Title developed in your studio
• As an added incentive, all qualifying partners will receive part ownership through a pool of all studios, including partial rights to the IP and Profit Shares of all Titles made by the group.
• Qualifying partners will also be invited to sit on the Board for Creative Direction which has direct and significant influence over the development of future titles by the Studios
• All partners will be invited to the Annual Valhalla Retreat - an all expenses paid holiday, to celebrate the years successes.

Ownership of your own studio has never been closer to your reach than through this opportunity; especially considering the major risk factors in studio ownership are the responsibility of Valhalla Studios including:

• Financials for the company (in particular Paying Wages).
• Liaisons with Government bodies & Potential Publishers
• Marketing, branding & sales.
• All financial risk of Leases, Cashflow etc.

What this means is you will not have to put a cent more into the business past your initial buyin; Just Get Creative , Get Innovative and produce a game that is potentially the next hit.

If this sounds like the chance that you've been waiting for, or think it could be, you can send a confidential enquiry (including a resume with Mobile detail) directly to our Founder & President - Elphie Coyle at:

Note, you will need to do the Spam Arrest Verification. Elphie will then personally contact you to arrange a time to meet and visit our Brisbane Studio.

Valhalla Studios
"Making Dreams Reality"

Valhalla Studios is Expanding into Melbourne & You can Own a Piece of the Pie! We've recently set up in Melbourne to coordinate it's studio rollout and are looking for more talented partners.

Valhalla Studios is a Self-Sustaining Independent Game Studio & Training College est 2007.

Over the past two years we have perfected a model of business that doesn't rely on Publishers backing to stay afloat, allowing us the freedom and time to make truly new titles.

We are opening a limited number of new studios in Brisbane and Melbourne; and in order to achieve our vision we require a handful of extraordinary people to partner with us.

This model of ownership purchase requires little cash upfront; we assist with acquiring required capital by supplying bank financials and accounting support. We've received feedback from current applicants that this opportunity appears too good to be true, though the successful applicants from our first round of partnering can now vouch for the fact we're serious.

What we're looking for in potential owners:
• A genuine enthusiasm & deep passion for Games & Games Development.
• At least 2 years Industry experience & 1 release .
• A skillset able to fulfil one of the following roles:
○ Lead Designer - Create or refine a truly innovative game mechanic that is most of all fun; C# Coding Experience preferred.
○ Producer - Inspire & Coach the team, delivering project milestones on-time, every time; Intermediate Art skills in industry standard 2D & 3D Packages (Photoshop & Max preferred).
○ Lead Artist - Mentor & support the art team; Art Skills as above in an Advanced capacity.

The Opportunity would give you:

• Extensive creative licence over Titles that your studio makes; and significant input into how they are made.
• A secure salary based role in the company (Lead Designer, Producer or Lead Artist).
• Leadership over 60 passionate Part Time employees
• Profit Share of 5% which could potentially result in an additional income of $35k- $280k (+ for a hit as there is no cap) per year
• Your creative input and ownership interest in the studio will also result in additional potential passive income, as a result of your partial rights to the IP of each Title developed in your studio
• As an added incentive, all qualifying partners will receive part ownership through a pool of all studios, including partial rights to the IP and Profit Shares of all Titles made by the group.
• Qualifying partners will also be invited to sit on the Board for Creative Direction which has direct and significant influence over the development of future titles by the Studios
• All partners will be invited to the Annual Valhalla Retreat - an all expenses paid holiday, to celebrate the years successes.

Ownership of your own studio has never been closer to your reach than through this opportunity; especially considering the major risk factors in studio ownership are the responsibility of Valhalla Studios including:

• Financials for the company (in particular Paying Wages).
• Liaisons with Government bodies & Potential Publishers
• Marketing, branding & sales.
• All financial risk of Leases, Cashflow etc.

What this means is you will not have to put a cent more into the business past your initial buyin; Just Get Creative , Get Innovative and produce a game that is potentially the next hit.

If this sounds like the chance that you've been waiting for, or think it could be, you can send a confidential enquiry (including a resume with Mobile detail) directly to our Founder & President - Elphie Coyle at:

Note, you will need to do the Spam Arrest Verification. Elphie will then personally contact you to arrange a time to meet and visit our Brisbane Studio.

Valhalla Studios
"Making Dreams Reality"