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Submitted by codyalday on

Character that I am doing at the moment with normal mapping applied. So far very work in progress texturing. Hopefully finish this off this week. Comments and crits appriciative.

codyalday2007-03-07 04:37:06

Submitted by EtaCarinae on Sun, 11/03/07 - 2:24 PMPermalink

Dear Codyalday,
This is looking really good. I like the colour scheme and face. Feet look great too!
Crits; The head is too big (unless he's a hobbit or something). Humans should have about 7 or 8 heads I think, in the height of their body. That's for your 'heroic' anatomy, check out some books.
Also your fabric is really terrible. Sorry, but you haven't thought about drappery at all. Grab a sarrong or sheet and wrap it around your body like your man is wearing. Stand in from a mirror and make a few notes or sketches. Doesn't have to be a masterpeice, just think about where the lines are eminating from.
I think you'll find doing this will result in rapid improvement.

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 02/05/07 - 6:24 AMPermalink

Finished this character a while ago now. Final presentation picture.codyalday2007-05-01 20:27:46

Posted by codyalday on

Character that I am doing at the moment with normal mapping applied. So far very work in progress texturing. Hopefully finish this off this week. Comments and crits appriciative.

codyalday2007-03-07 04:37:06

Submitted by EtaCarinae on Sun, 11/03/07 - 2:24 PMPermalink

Dear Codyalday,
This is looking really good. I like the colour scheme and face. Feet look great too!
Crits; The head is too big (unless he's a hobbit or something). Humans should have about 7 or 8 heads I think, in the height of their body. That's for your 'heroic' anatomy, check out some books.
Also your fabric is really terrible. Sorry, but you haven't thought about drappery at all. Grab a sarrong or sheet and wrap it around your body like your man is wearing. Stand in from a mirror and make a few notes or sketches. Doesn't have to be a masterpeice, just think about where the lines are eminating from.
I think you'll find doing this will result in rapid improvement.

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 02/05/07 - 6:24 AMPermalink

Finished this character a while ago now. Final presentation picture.codyalday2007-05-01 20:27:46