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Wellington Game Jam

Submitted by voxel on

I'm thinking of organizing a Wellington (NZ) weekend / 3-day game jam. I helped out with a Toronto (Canada) game jam earlier this year and now I am in Wellingon, NZ on contract until early Dec.

Here is what I am thinking:

72 hours. 10-20 programmers. Up to 10 artists and 3 sound guys. I think the realistic numbers will be 8 programmers (half co-workers), 4 artists and a sound floater.

The rules of the game jam will be easy

1) Complete a game in a weekend. You can use any tech/engine/SDK, but please do not write game logic for the game before the jam starts.

I can secure a space big enough for the participants.

While this event is supposed to be fun and partly-educational, I can't let anyone off the street participate. You will need:

1) Your own PC or laptop.
2) Enough hacker skillz to read input, draw sprites on the screen and basic understanding of game architectures.

Otherwise, you will spend the entire weekend learning tech and getting nothing done. How many people would be interested? And no, I can't hold it anywhere else but Wellington.

Posted by voxel on

I'm thinking of organizing a Wellington (NZ) weekend / 3-day game jam. I helped out with a Toronto (Canada) game jam earlier this year and now I am in Wellingon, NZ on contract until early Dec.

Here is what I am thinking:

72 hours. 10-20 programmers. Up to 10 artists and 3 sound guys. I think the realistic numbers will be 8 programmers (half co-workers), 4 artists and a sound floater.

The rules of the game jam will be easy

1) Complete a game in a weekend. You can use any tech/engine/SDK, but please do not write game logic for the game before the jam starts.

I can secure a space big enough for the participants.

While this event is supposed to be fun and partly-educational, I can't let anyone off the street participate. You will need:

1) Your own PC or laptop.
2) Enough hacker skillz to read input, draw sprites on the screen and basic understanding of game architectures.

Otherwise, you will spend the entire weekend learning tech and getting nothing done. How many people would be interested? And no, I can't hold it anywhere else but Wellington.