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thickbox broken?

  • Testing a Microsoft Surface for digital art along with Krita. The latter is proving to be a very capable drawing/painting program. In some aspects equal to - if not better than - Photoshop! MS Surface is good but not as good as a wacom tablet.…

  • I quick illustration depicting a true story (or so I am told) of a tank crew rescuing an australia soldier in the Vietnam war. Rough sketchy styling but required some research and accuracy as vetaran's seeing it would be critical. Painted in…

  • A recent game interface job I completed for an Adelaide based iphone/mobile developer. Final graphics included animation on the handkerchief as the rope moves and animated icons on the menu screen. Graphics are all based on photos then heavily…

  • It's not really directly game related but I thought I'd post it anyway (Let's pretend it's a character study). This is where my recent illustration energies had been going rather than into concept art related topics. Created for a charity Auction…

  • Revisiting the first fleet of ships for Tsumea Team C project. One new design with the other 3 polished/modified small to moderate amounts. Whilst the details are still loose I'm satisfied with the overall designs. fingers crossed the rest of the…

  • More thumbnails for Team C game. These are my first round of ships for the opposing team. More angular and blocky in form with a relatively raw/industrial finish compaired to the other set.

  • More thumbnails. These ones are variations working a single design idea.

  • update of potential artillery/ planet attack ship.

  • A small update on concept art for Team C project.

  • Some initial sketches whilst I warm up for the task of producing some concepts for tsumea's team C project.

Submitted by Johnn on

Hey Souri,
posting here just in case you are not aware of this: clicking links on the home page to images are creating an error. Something to do with thickbox.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _imagecache_get_presets() in /home/tsumeaco/public_html/sites/all/modules/thickbox/thickbox.module on line 177
I'm browsing with firefox 3.0.10 on a PC.



Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/05/09 - 1:30 PMPermalink

Argh, damnit, that's not good. I was updating some modules on here and it looks like this one broke. >:( Hopefully it isn't anything too major.

Posted by Johnn on

Hey Souri,
posting here just in case you are not aware of this: clicking links on the home page to images are creating an error. Something to do with thickbox.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _imagecache_get_presets() in /home/tsumeaco/public_html/sites/all/modules/thickbox/thickbox.module on line 177
I'm browsing with firefox 3.0.10 on a PC.



Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/05/09 - 1:30 PMPermalink

Argh, damnit, that's not good. I was updating some modules on here and it looks like this one broke. >:( Hopefully it isn't anything too major.