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The Oasis

Submitted by Targos on

Hey there everybody
I worked alone on a small game called the Oasis, and have released it here:
For a MacOSX Universal Binary Build
For a Windows XP Build


You can find my portfolio here
You will find you require the "Unity" webplayer plugin. The html page
will automatically direct you to a website to pick it up. Its a couple
of megabytes, and about a minute to install...The rapidshare pages are
a bit cluttered but I'm sure you'll find the right link.

Unity is the game engine I've been learning. It is Mac
only, and such a good tool I brought a Mac and a license so I could
work round the clock...I'm ultra passionate about what I do..

So I decided to present my portfolio in 3d as it is difficult to
appreciate the work on a screen.
Im looking for work in Sydney if anyones hiring level designers, concept artists, character modelers.
I hope you enjoy my work!
Aaron CrossTargos2007-01-14 05:28:14

Submitted by Aureus on Mon, 29/01/07 - 10:14 AMPermalink

Hi. :)

I finally got around to playing your level. I think it is a pretty nice little game. Still a bit rough, but good for a bit of arcade fun.

The main issue I had was the vechile, sometimes it done some awesome flips and you get catapaulted into the horizon, I felt that was cool, but 90% of the time I was flipping it.

Also I saw lots of flickering polygon faces, I was using WinXP, so I am not sure if you get that on Mac.

Also there was a few other bugs like if you push against objects you can walk through them, and some of your polygon faces needs their textures realigned.

As for graphics, I didn't really like those really sharp extrudes on the desert, it is possible to smooth them out, cos that would make the game look heaps better. And maybe you could work on the palm trees, I feel they would look better if they were less cartoony.

Dispite all this negitivity I really did like the game and you got my interested in creating my own little project. :)

Submitted by Targos on Wed, 31/01/07 - 2:35 AMPermalink

Hey thanks for that...
I used to want to be a musician, and you kinda get used to people saying stuff like"yeah your stuff is ok but I like Bob Marley" or "I like Chemical Bros", and you realise that with art, people subconciously compare you with what they truly do like. That is kina a compliment and a curse, because its not easy for one man to match those standards...
I am well aware of the bugs in this demo, and Im not too worried...Its not too bad for one mans efforts, I reckon...Cheers for your perspective.

Posted by Targos on

Hey there everybody
I worked alone on a small game called the Oasis, and have released it here:
For a MacOSX Universal Binary Build
For a Windows XP Build


You can find my portfolio here
You will find you require the "Unity" webplayer plugin. The html page
will automatically direct you to a website to pick it up. Its a couple
of megabytes, and about a minute to install...The rapidshare pages are
a bit cluttered but I'm sure you'll find the right link.

Unity is the game engine I've been learning. It is Mac
only, and such a good tool I brought a Mac and a license so I could
work round the clock...I'm ultra passionate about what I do..

So I decided to present my portfolio in 3d as it is difficult to
appreciate the work on a screen.
Im looking for work in Sydney if anyones hiring level designers, concept artists, character modelers.
I hope you enjoy my work!
Aaron CrossTargos2007-01-14 05:28:14

Submitted by Aureus on Mon, 29/01/07 - 10:14 AMPermalink

Hi. :)

I finally got around to playing your level. I think it is a pretty nice little game. Still a bit rough, but good for a bit of arcade fun.

The main issue I had was the vechile, sometimes it done some awesome flips and you get catapaulted into the horizon, I felt that was cool, but 90% of the time I was flipping it.

Also I saw lots of flickering polygon faces, I was using WinXP, so I am not sure if you get that on Mac.

Also there was a few other bugs like if you push against objects you can walk through them, and some of your polygon faces needs their textures realigned.

As for graphics, I didn't really like those really sharp extrudes on the desert, it is possible to smooth them out, cos that would make the game look heaps better. And maybe you could work on the palm trees, I feel they would look better if they were less cartoony.

Dispite all this negitivity I really did like the game and you got my interested in creating my own little project. :)

Submitted by Targos on Wed, 31/01/07 - 2:35 AMPermalink

Hey thanks for that...
I used to want to be a musician, and you kinda get used to people saying stuff like"yeah your stuff is ok but I like Bob Marley" or "I like Chemical Bros", and you realise that with art, people subconciously compare you with what they truly do like. That is kina a compliment and a curse, because its not easy for one man to match those standards...
I am well aware of the bugs in this demo, and Im not too worried...Its not too bad for one mans efforts, I reckon...Cheers for your perspective.