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Job search doesn't work

Submitted by Rafu on

Hi, when I try to narrow down the job ads by profession or location I get the following error message:

(a whole lot of sql errors removed)

Submitted by souri on Tue, 16/03/10 - 8:38 AMPermalink

Which particular profession are you selecting to cause that error? I've just checked the job search functionality, and it works fine for me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 17/03/10 - 6:41 PMPermalink

i have the same probles- ever since tsumea "changed servers" or whatever it did a little while ago which had it offline for a day or so, i can't do a search for "animator" positions. the search for "all" works fine tho

Submitted by souri on Thu, 18/03/10 - 12:23 AMPermalink

Probably spent way much more time figuring this out to find out that it was a specific component causing this mess. I could search fine when I'm logged in, but apparently no one else could, including members.

Anyway, it should be working fine now. Thanks for the report, otherwise I'd be thinking things were fine XD

Posted by Rafu on

Hi, when I try to narrow down the job ads by profession or location I get the following error message:

(a whole lot of sql errors removed)

Submitted by souri on Tue, 16/03/10 - 8:38 AMPermalink

Which particular profession are you selecting to cause that error? I've just checked the job search functionality, and it works fine for me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 17/03/10 - 6:41 PMPermalink

i have the same probles- ever since tsumea "changed servers" or whatever it did a little while ago which had it offline for a day or so, i can't do a search for "animator" positions. the search for "all" works fine tho

Submitted by souri on Thu, 18/03/10 - 12:23 AMPermalink

Probably spent way much more time figuring this out to find out that it was a specific component causing this mess. I could search fine when I'm logged in, but apparently no one else could, including members.

Anyway, it should be working fine now. Thanks for the report, otherwise I'd be thinking things were fine XD