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New games programming blog

Submitted by programmer on

Hi guys,

I've started a new blog at Begin Game Programming

The site is going to offer tutorials in game programming beginning with a 2D game built using Visual C# Express and XNA Game Studio 3.0.

I've a few years experience working as a programmer in the games industry and have decided to share some of my knowledge with the wider community so this is an opportunity for those wishing to learn game programming to follow a program from the beginning and have access to an experienced games programmer for support.

Hi guys,

I've started a new blog at Begin Game Programming

The site is going to offer tutorials in game programming beginning with a 2D game built using Visual C# Express and XNA Game Studio 3.0.

I've a few years experience working as a programmer in the games industry and have decided to share some of my knowledge with the wider community so this is an opportunity for those wishing to learn game programming to follow a program from the beginning and have access to an experienced games programmer for support.